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Self Adhesive Foil Eco Badge Germany

  • Does not lose tack
  • Only ttach when necessary
  • Easy to remove from the window
  • No loss of the windscreen sticker in case of window damage

Green Truck  Product available

EAN: 8719326992211

  • Green checkmarkThis product is shipped via letterbox post!
SKU: 7 Category: Tags: , ,

Product information

This static adhesive film is tailor-made for the Germany Environmental Sticker. With this transparent foil you can easily move and / or re-stick the Environmental Sticker Germany, without using glue.

How does it work?

As soon as you receive the shipment from Royal Mail, stick the Environmental Sticker Germany yourself on the self-adhesive foil. Then stick the foil, together with the Environmental Sticker Germany, in the designated place on the windscreen.


You will find the instructions for attaching the foil top the windscreen in the accompanying letter with the Environmental Sticker Germany shipment. The self-adhesive foil is offered to you as a separate shipment. It is therefore possible that you will receive this shipment earlier or later than the Environmental Sticker Germany.

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